How to Care for Plants More Effectively to Keep Them Fresh

A beautiful and fresh garden is certainly the dream of many people. However, all of this certainly requires effort and knowledge regarding how to care for plants so that they grow well. For this reason, currently various types of plants that are suitable for placing indoors are very popular and widely sold.

It’s just that it can’t be denied that for example there are some types of plants that are not quite suitable with weather that is too humid and also water that is higher in content, for example cactus, so it is more prone to rotting. The way to care for your plants is wrong. Therefore, you must be aware of the steps to care for good plants so that gardening hobbies continue to run, the function of freshness and processing can also be enjoyed.

1. Choose an area to plant

You also have to choose the right area to plant, because the steps for caring for plants in pots may not be the same as in polybags or in the ground directly. You have to choose where to place your plants so that you don’t add water content to the plants incorrectly.

2. Use the Right Planting Media

The first tip for caring for slot 10 ribu indoor plants is to choose the right planting medium. The best growing medium for indoor plants is soilless, which is a combination of peat moss, vermiculite/perlite, and compost together in equal parts.

3. Clean the algae that grows, after that you can check the surface

soil, whether there is algae or not. This algae is very susceptible to growing in the rainy season, while also reducing the nutrients in the soil, so that it can interfere with the growth of the plant. So the thing that can be done is to clean it regularly.

4. Water the plants using the right technique

How to care for plants after that is very necessary is to carry out watering plants with the right technique and routinely. This is done so that the water supply to the plants can be met. Do not let water stagnate on the plants because it can block the oxygen path for the plants. Water your plants evenly, not too much or too little.

5. Fertilization Time

The fourth indoor plant care tip is to fertilize them at the right time. Although plants carry out photosynthesis to process the sugars they need to survive, they also need a more immediate form of food to carry out the growth process.

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